
Requests for Prayer

Many people in the Alberton Church are eager to pray for others. We rejoice that we have such people in our midst.

Almost every Sunday there are requests for prayer. When these requests relate to people who are not a part of the congregation or if anonymity is desired then they are either mentioned without a name attached or at most with a first name. There are people with chronic or potentially terminal health concerns who have been in our prayers for months. These prayer requests are part of what makes our worship time so personal. The purpose of such prayers is a spiritual one and so we desire to treat these requests with both compassion and sensitivity. We also remind people that prayer requests are not to be the starting point for either gossip or speculation.

Since websites are public places and prayer requests often involve personal concerns, we consequently are choosing not to share such prayer requests here. However, we do want to encourage prayer on behalf of groups or categories of people who have special needs.

We invite you to pray for those whose lives are in turmoil because of the current Pandemic. Pray for those who are experiencing health and travel concerns and who are filled with anxiety. Pray for those who are working to make responsible decisions to guide us during these days. Pray for personal and medical caregivers who are living and working in the midst of this uncertainty. Give them wisdom, strength and compassion for these times.

We invite you to pray for the Alberton congregation and its ministry and the needs of your own friends, neighbours, and family members.

Also, pray for those who are lonely and those in sorrow. There are many in our world who feel isolated and alone. Pray that they may find compassionate human friendship. Pray also that they may experience the joy and peace of Christ's presence in their lives.

Pray for those whose lives are caught up in the midst of civil or natural disaster or tumult. Pray that God would meet their needs and that they would be sustained in hope.

Requests for Prayer may be given directly to the Minister, in person or by phone, or may be submitted to him via e-mail at This invitation is directed both to the people of Alberton Church and to those who may be visitors to our website. Your confidentiality will be respected.